Areas of Practice

  • Plant Explosions/Upsets
  • Pipeline Rupture
  • Derailment
  • Chemical Release
  • Emergency Response
  • Release Reporting
  • Regulatory Response
  • OSHA Issues
  • Accident Investigation

Industrial Accidents, Catastrophic Releases, & Emergency Response

The Firm's emergency response team mobilizes in direct response to major industrial accidents, often being among the first to arrive at the scene. The Firm’s representation in this regard has included conducting and managing accident response teams, OSHA and MHSA investigations, release reporting, and litigation resulting from major industrial accidents, whether it be a plant upset, explosion, derailment, pipeline rupture, or other type of catastrophic accident. Our attorneys employ a comprehensive approach to coordinating the investigation, claims, third-party litigation, and environmental regulatory response to major accidents by handling cause and origin investigations, regulatory interaction, hazardous materials response, and defense of claims arising out of such accidents and explosions.


Selected examples of our attorneys’ experience in emergency and catastrophic accident response, investigation, and litigation include cases involving:

  • Petrochemical facility explosion and fire resulting in 23 deaths and numerous injuries.
  • Chemical plant explosion and fire resulting in 17 deaths and numerous injuries.
  • Chemical plant detonation of nitro-paraffin line, compressor fire resulting in 8 deaths and numerous injuries.
  • Facility explosion involving depressurization of vessel resulting in 8 deaths and several other injuries.
  • Coker unit fire resulting in employee injuries.
  • Catastrophic explosion in a refinery that destroyed substantial portions of facility, injured numerous employees and contractors, and spawned in excess of 100 lawsuits involving certified class of over 24,000 plaintiffs.
  • Tank car derailment and release of chlorine gas resulting in several deaths and other injuries.
  • Plant Explosions/Upsets
  • Pipeline Rupture
  • Derailment
  • Chemical Release
  • Emergency Response
  • Release Reporting
  • Regulatory Response
  • OSHA Issues
  • Accident Investigation
National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms
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